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An EV Future: Navigating the Transition 
Convening Stakeholders for Interactive Peer-to-Peer Discussions 

Consumers, utilities, businesses, and policy makers are increasingly looking to electricity as a transportation fuel. The transition to electric vehicles offers exciting opportunities and numerous benefits but with change come challenges. The transition will introduce new partnerships. It will place new requirements on the electric grid and the utilities that operate and control it.  Utilities will need to provide more power for these mobile, unpredictable loads which will require new information and control schemes. Widespread adoption of EV’s will require a robust charging infrastructure and, in some cases, could create a significant local increase in electricity demand.  

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has long understood the value and importance of bringing stakeholders together to discuss emerging energy technologies, to explore opportunities, and to uncover potential challenges. The Office of Electricity’s Advanced Grid Research Division (AGR) and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) are partnering on an initiative to explore and discuss what the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) will mean from different stakeholder perspectives.

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Why Participate?​

  • Exchange ideas and share experiences with peers  

  • Learn about successful approaches

  • Understand challenges from other stakeholder perspectives

  • Identify new pathways for overcoming potential obstacles

Initiative Approach  

The Initiative will build on DOE’s successful Voices of Experience approach, which resulted in the publications: Integrating Intermittent Resources. What Utilities are Learning. and Insights into Advanced Distribution Management Systems. An EV Future will convene stakeholders in peer-to-peer conversations to share their knowledge and experiences related to the build-out of the EV charging infrastructure and integration with the electric grid. The aim is to facilitate forward-looking discussions with the numerous stakeholders from across the transportation electrification ecosystem, including electric utilities, state and local governments, OEMs, vendors, charging network providers, advocates, fleet operators, and transit authorities. Discussions will focus on industry applications and pilots within the light, medium, and heavy-duty sectors. The goal is to highlight ongoing industry efforts, uncover gaps discovered through implementation, understand collaborative multi-stakeholder approaches, and identify areas for new research or federal collaboration.  Insights and experiences shared through the initiative will be compiled into a resource document for ongoing reference to assist stakeholders as they deploy and build out the infrastructure.

DOE will explore barriers, lessons learned, gaps and next steps associated with electrifying transportation.



Topics to Explore  

The effort explored the following topics. To better focus discussions, the topics were categorized into three areas of interest: planning, operations, and the business case.  Click on the topic box for more details about each topic. 


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Approaches for anticipating market penetration and adoption rates

  • Understanding changing load impacts for different charging levels and vehicle classes

  • Impacts from COVID on predicted adoption levels

  • Understanding operating parameters 

  • DER (e.g., PV) Co-adoption on load levels

  • New tools needed

Approaches for forecasting market penetration and adoption rates


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Managing load now versus EVs at scale 

  • EV utilization and charging profiles

  • Implications of new fast charging (350 kw - 3 MW per EV) technologies 

  • Managing load now versus EVs at scale

Managing load now versus EVs at scale 

Business Case

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Designing the Infrastructure for differing locations and charging levels 

  • Ownership Models

  • Facilitating Collaborations

  • Urban versus Rural

  • Non-economically viable locations

  • Shared infrastructure

  • Design considerations for passenger versus medium or heavy duty charging

Designing the Infrastructure for differing locations and charging levels 

Service request considerations 

  • Processes and procedures for individual service requests versus multiple chargers or differences for light duty vs. medium- and heavy-duty requests

  • Network Design

  • Timeline for infrastructure upgrades & deployment needs

Service request considerations ​

New technology Implications for the grid, fleet, and charging stations 

  • Technologies being considered by fleets and charging stations for managing charging loads (DER, microgrids, energy management)

  • Foundational grid technology requirements (e.g., DERMS, etc.)

  • Intelligent load integration (e.g., communication protocols, controls, etc.)

New technology Implications for the grid, fleet, and charging stations 

Deploying infrastructure to meet vehicle and customer needs

  • Differing lead times

  • Scalability

  • Driving down soft costs

  • Deploying charging infrastructure to meet vehicle needs

Deploying infrastructure to meet vehicle and customer needs

Understanding future requirements 

  • Information sharing requirements and approaches (capacity assessments)

  • New data needs

  • Policies for Access

  • Timeline for infrastructure

Understanding future requirements 

Ensuring resilience & reliability 

  • Implications of extreme events (e.g., evacuation planning, long duration outages, etc.)

  • Need for redundancy to ensure reliability 

  • Opportunities for grid services

Ensuring resilience & reliability 

Economic feasibility considerations (e.g., innovative rate designs, charging infrastructure financing)

  • Charging infrastructure financing

  • Innovative rate designs  

  • Policy implications 

  • Behind the meter technologies’ role in reducing costs

Economic feasibility considerations (e.g., innovative rate designs, charging infrastructure financing)

Industry Steering Committee

This initiative has been developed with the assistance of a steering committee comprised of leading experts in the fields of electrified transportation and electric grid. Domain expertise in the steering committee varies from EV manufacturers, fleet management, utility operations, policy, etc. The steering committee provides feedback and input on the scope and the topics of greatest interest to industry. This ensures a higher level of relevance of the initiative to understanding these topics and enhancing the outreach. The members are also slated to attend sessions and participate based on their time and availability. Finally, they will perform a review of the final report and provide feedback to enhance the report’s effectiveness and value to the EV and grid ecosystem stakeholders. The steering committee members for this initiative are listed below:



Conversation Topic Calls

The effort consisted of a series of Conversation Topic Calls to explore a variety of areas related to the planning, operations, and business case. Each call was designed to engage participants in interactive discussions for a productive exchange of ideas. The calls began with opening remarks from industry participants to set the stage for roundtable discussions with all participants. The report that captures discussions and the collective voice of industry is anticipated for fall 2021.





For questions about the initiative please contact: Tanya Burns

For questions about the website contact:

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