Conversation Topic Calls
A total of 33 conversation topic calls covering 15 topics took place from July 2020 through May 2021. Each call featured two industry presenters who shared their insights an experience. Links to approved presentations are provided below
Forecasting: Approaches for Anticipating Market Penetrations and Adoption Rates
Electrifying transportation will place new demands on the electric system. While incremental demand from EVs might not seem significant, especially if adoption rates are slow and steady; local impacts could be dramatic. Join the call to voice your thoughts about future projections and their potential impacts on the electric grid, approaches for prioritizing expansion investments, and new methods for modeling future needs for different vehicle classes and charging levels.
Central Region: Tuesday, July 14 at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Central time (noon - 2 pm ET)
Download the Call Presentation Files: Oncor Fleet Electrification Considerations
Eastern Region: Wednesday, July 15 at 9:00 am - 11:00 am Eastern time
Download the Call Presentation Files: NACFE DOE Electric Grid
Western Region: Thursday, July 16 at 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Pacific time (4:00 - 6 pm ET)
Download the Call Presentation Files: SCE_TE_Forecast_Perspectives DOE - This is Freightliner eMobility
New Technology Implications
The growing use of electricity as a fuel for vehicles will require new technologies to ensure a safe and cost effective transition. Utilities might require new technologies or approaches to effectively and efficiently control and manage the grid and vehicle charging while leveraging other distributed resources such as renewable generation. New solutions or technologies may also be needed that will allow customers and businesses to manage their own charging needs while minimizing costs and adverse impacts on the grid. Join your industry peers in a dialog about what new technologies, approaches or strategies might be needed and what gaps in data, communication, and controls capabilities exist for wide-scale EV adoption and integration with the electric grid.
Central Region: Wednesday, August 12 at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm CT (noon – 2:00 pm ET)
Download the Call Presentation Files: Ameren An EV Future - New Tech Implications
Eastern Region: Thursday, August 13 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am ET
Download the Call Presentation Files: SEPA DOE EV Grid_Technology Implications BED EV Presentation
Western Region: Tuesday, August 11 at 1:00 – 3:00 pm Pacific (4:00 – 6:00 pm ET)
Download the Call Presentation Files: FCA EV Plus Grid - New Tech Implications SMUD EV Grid Impacts and Value
Economic Feasibility
A future with wide scale electric vehicles will depend on numerous factors and decisions. Successful economics is one key factor that will drive the transition to electrified transportation and the deployment of EV charging infrastructure. It will require innovative rate designs and financing options that respond to unique customer or project requirements. It may require new policies and incentives for siting the infrastructure and enabling economic feasibility. Join the call to share your thoughts and experiences on the numerous economic and policy factors that support EV charging infrastructure.
Central Region: Tuesday, September 15 from noon – 2:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: Austin Energy_EV_rates_update
Eastern Region: Wednesday, September 16 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: DOE EV Future – Rate design – Nelder RMI
Western Region: Thursday, September 17 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: SDGE EV rates voices of experience (9.17.20) EVGO – US DOE Western Region
Understanding Future Requirements
A robust charging infrastructure will be fundamental for widespread EV adoption. Deploying and planning the infrastructure is well underway. It is generating new data, introducing new timelines, and creating new questions. This, coupled with a rapidly evolving EV landscape, can make it difficult to understand and anticipate future data needs and can create planning challenges. Understanding new requirements from various stakeholders’ perspectives can help bridge gaps, align expectations and inform new policies. We invite you to participate and share your insights (or concerns) regarding new approaches, best practices, and plans for sharing information and data between the utility, charging infrastructure owners and operators, and other stakeholders.
Central Region: Wednesday, October 14 from noon – 2:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: OUC DOE Understanding Future Requirements
Eastern Region: Thursday, October 15 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: IBM Electro Mobility Europe for DOE BGE_EVsmartProgram
Western Region: Tuesday, October 13 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: SCE EV Future Requirements DOE eIQ_DOE_future requirements
Managing Load
The rising adoption of EV's could lead to significant increases in local incremental load. Managing and controlling these loads will be paramount for meeting customer needs while effectively using available resources and mitigating detrimental impacts, especially during peak hours. This call will explore the various approaches that utilities, charging network providers, OEM manufacturers and others are deploying – or considering – to manage and understand these unique, unpredictable loads. We would like to invite all stakeholders within the EV charging ecosystem to discuss their thoughts and experiences related to managing load from both the utility and charging infrastructure point of view.
Central Region: Wednesday Nov 04th, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM CDT (12:00 PM – 2 PM EST)
Download the Call Presentation Files: DTE RJM DOE An EV Future
Eastern Region: Tuesday Nov 9th, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST
Download the Call Presentation Files: DoE EV Future Initiative FlexCharging
Western Region: Thursday Nov 5th, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST (4:00 PM – 6 PM EST)
Download the Call Presentation Files: ABB Load Mgmt VTO DOE EV Future Rocky Mountain Power
Designing the Infrastructure
Electrified transportation will require a robust and reliable charging infrastructure that is able to accommodate diverse needs. It will require new partnerships and collaboration. Ownership models, charging infrastructure constraints, and associated grid upgrades vary based on local parameters. Equitable distribution of charging infrastructure is essential for the overall success of EVs and grid integration. Join us to share your thoughts and experiences related to EV charging and infrastructure ownership models, geographical considerations, and the unique challenges for shared infrastructure in light, medium, and heavy duty applications.
Central Region: Wednesday, December 9 from noon – 2:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: DOE EV Future Dec 9 Rocky Mountain Power
Eastern Region: Thursday, December 10 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: OUC VoltaCharging
Western Region: Tuesday, December 8 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT
Download the Call Presentation Files: BGE_Ev Smart King Country Info
Service Requests
The process for locating fueling stations for a gasoline or diesel-powered vehicle is well known and well understood. There is less certainty and more unknowns with electric vehicles. Ensuring adequate supply in the preferred location requires collaboration with the local utility but the process for interconnection differs and timelines vary. This can create challenges for customers, especially those that operate in multiple states. As the number of electric vehicles grows and the rate of adoptions increase, processes and procedures will evolve. Understanding the interconnection process from different perspectives can help to uncover barriers and illuminate successful approaches to help smooth the transition. Your insights are critical so please join us to share your thoughts and experiences!
Central Region: Tuesday, January 12 at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm CT (noon – 2:00 pm ET)
Call Files: 1. DOE Fleets Service Requests 2. UPS DOE OOE EV Future Initiative
Eastern Region: Wednesday, January 13 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am ET
Call Files: 1. SMUD_CalETC
Western Region: Thursday, January 14 at 1:00 – 3:00 pm Pacific (4:00 – 6:00 pm ET)
Call Files: 1. SemaConnect DOE’s – An EV
Deploying the Infrastructure
From fleet depot to workplace to residential charging power and energy demand profiles of charging infrastructure will vary from several tens of kilowatts to tens of megawatts depending on the types of EVs and chargers in operation. Deploying the necessary infrastructure could require grid upgrades as well as new Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Timelines can vary significantly from few months to even years depending on the site characteristics and the required upgrades. Pilots are underway to better understand the implications; however, moving from pilot to full deployment can introduce new constraints and variables. Please join us in a lively discussion and interactive session as we discuss opportunities and challenges of deploying the infrastructure. Share your experiences and perspectives!
Central Region: Wednesday, February 17 from noon – 2:00 pm EDT
Call Files: 1. Siemens 210217 DOE Webinar EV Charging Infrastructure for Fleets
Eastern Region: Thursday, February 18 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Call Files: 1. DOE EV Future Public FedEX
Western Region: Tuesday, February 16 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT
Call Files: 1. HCE EV VOE Infrastructure 2. DOE EV Future - Infrastructure soft costs - Nelder RMI
Reliability and Resilience
A reliable and resilient charging infrastructure will be essential to support business operations and individual’s daily activities. Design considerations will change as utilities, fleet owners, city planners, charging infrastructure providers and others plan for
blue-sky days and extreme events. Electricity as a fuel source introduces new implications and new constraints. New aspects will need to be considered. Please join us on the next Voices of Experience call focused on resilience and reliability as we explore questions such as how are charging sites integrated into restoration plans, what are the approaches for enabling charging during evacuation events, what role do local energy storage and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) play, and what are opportunities and challenges for grid services. Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences on this critical topic for a successful transition to EVs.
Central Region: Wednesday, March 17 from noon – 2:00 pm EDT
Call Files: 1. Austin Energy - DOE EV Future
Eastern Region: Thursday, March 18 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
Call Files: 1. Florida's EVMP 2. Evolve NY
Western Region: Tuesday, March 16 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT
Call Files: 1. PG&E_DOE_EVFuture_VGI_Final 2. DOE EV Futures - 3.16.21 - CPUC Huneycutt
Multi-family and Underserved Communities
Electrification and vehicle charging for multi-family and underserved communities emerged as two areas that merit further attention. A significant portion of the U.S. population lives in multi-unit dwellings which may not necessarily allow fixed parking spots much less access to charging. Underserved communities have needs and requirements that can be specific to the particular community. No single answer has emerged as a clear winner – and likely never will – due to the unique challenges, opportunities, and risks related to the planning, deployment, and maintenance of the charging infrastructure. The call will dedicate one hour for each topic and will feature two industry speakers followed by a robust dialog after each. You’re invited to discuss how to address barriers and risks associated with costs, ownership, reliability, and equity of charging infrastructure.
Call Files: 1. BGE's Multifamily Programs-DOE
Date: April 13th noon – 2:00 pm EST
Utility-specific calls will convene utility personnel to illuminate successes, lessons learned, challenges, and barriers. These calls will allow for more focused discussion on internal operations and changes that may be required to support transportation electrification.
Lessons Learned from Pilots
Utility pilots can be valuable for understanding emerging technologies and the implications for customers and the grid. Pilots can provide essential learning and allow for the exploration of creative, innovate solutions. They can uncover barriers and inform new rates and programs. This utility-specific call will allow participants to discuss lessons learned from early EV programs and pilots. The call will dive deeper into such experiences allowing utility personnel to share successful approaches and the challenges associated with moving from pilots to full-scale implementation. Please join the call for an engaging conversation with peers!
Date: April 20th noon – 2:00 pm EST
Programs and Processes CallThe evolution to electrified transportation will require innovative approaches and creative thinking. Managing, controlling, and integrating these loads into the grid will introduce new requirements and new constraints. Customer interactions will likely be different than for traditional utility loads. Utilities across the U.S. are developing new approaches and forging new partnerships, streamlining internal operations, and beginning to plan for and anticipate new growth. On this call we will hear from utilities about how to get started, approaches for anticipating growth and identifying new customers, and how to streamline operations to meet the needs of these new customers. Join your utility peers for candid discussions about what the transition to EVs will mean for utility operations!
Date: May 19 noon – 2:00 pm EST Call Files: 1. HCE EV VOE Programs 2. Austin Energy - DOE EV Future May 2021
Join us as we take a deeper dive into some specific areas that have emerged through our numerous stakeholder conversations. There will be a single call for each of the following four themes. Please join us to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
Long Haul Fleets and Travel Center Plazas
Long-haul fleets transport goods across the country. Drivers stop at travel centers and truck stops to fuel up, to grab a bite to eat, and to get some rest. Dwell times vary depending on the truck route, the crew, and the drivers’ schedule. This call will specifically engage in discussions and presentations about the implications of both low-power long dwell times and high-power short bursts for quick charging. Each will have implications for the electricity infrastructure. The power and energy requirements for these travel centers very likely will increase significantly and managing the variability introduces new challenges. Be a part of the conversation as we dive into what electrification will mean for long haul fleets and travel centers.
Date: May 4th noon – 2:00 pm EST
Call Files: 1. DOE NACFE LH RH Electrification
Regional and Local Fleets
Much of the regional and local trucking in the U.S. uses either a fleet depot or a ‘hub and spoke’ model. This allows vehicles to return to their base (or depots) each night meaning that there is the possibility that the majority of the charging can occur at night with low power. However, this can still represent a large increase in facility loads and serving these customers can require more than meeting their energy needs. Often fleets and utilities speak different languages and have different expectations around timelines. Moving from pilots to full-scale adoption can pose unforeseen challenges. Making sure that fleets are able to cost-effectively manage their needs and have sufficient supply so they can concentrate on their core business is paramount. Join us as we explore two approaches and discuss the many facets of this exciting topic.
Date: May 5th noon – 2:00 pm EST
Call Files: 1. DOE_Oncor slides 2. Penske_DOEdeck
Conventional Retail Fueling
Conventional retail fueling stations are typically located at prime locations within communities and roadways to provide services to consumers. Electricity as a fuel offers new options but can also be seen as a threat. Rather than a replacement fuel, EV charging can supplement fuel options. Business models may change and adapt to meet the needs of EV drivers as EVs become a larger segment in the transportation fleet and petroleum demand decreases. Station owners may need a mix of charging options, new methods to manage energy, or new partners. The call will offer two perspectives, and we invite discussions on relevant themes, challenges, and potential solutions around these topics.
Date: May 18 noon – 2:00 pm EST Call Files: 1. DOE Presentation Revel 2. EXT - EV Session Shell Presentation